The summer of 2013 I
worked as an assistant teacher in the public school of Manti, Augusto Cohen.
Before giving the elemental kids one of their diagnostic tests, the teachers
made a mini reunion with us, the teachers assistant, and told us that if any of
the students had trouble doing any exercise we have to “help” them. But if they
don’t get it after all we had to tell them the correct answer. In the eight
chapter of the book “Down on the Island”, Jim Cooper talk to us about his years
teaching on the island, Puerto Rico, and one of the biggest problems he
encountere d here, “helping” or cheating between students. Cooper present this
term as an idea of cooperation between teacher-student and student-student,
without any competition in their curriculum.
in the schools of Puerto Rico was, or is, not considered a bad thing because it
is viewed as a social, and a cultural cooperation. The student had been hearing
since the first grades: “Starting in the first grade in Puerto Rican schools,
teachers tell students to look at their neighbor’s paper if they don’t known
the answer”(Cooper 80). Therefore
the children were taught and raised with this way of thinking. Helping each
other in the classrooms is something that defines them, that is part of their identity.
Through out this chapter Cooper tells us about two methods of learning, the
competitive and the cooperative. The competitive way is the one that Cooper was
familiar with in the States, it is the one in which the students are willing to
be better than anyone else in their classroom and better than anyone in any
other school. Even though Cooper was determined that cheating in the classrooms
was something that he could never imagine or maybe accept, we can infer by the
tone of the author that he at the end was convinced that the way the students
cooperate with each other has its pros in the training education of the students.
writes about Puerto Rican’s academic view and how it is different from the
American’s cultural view. I think that both methods are needed to develop a
good education system. A balance between the both is necessary for the student
to acquire the good things that both methods can offer. Cooperation and
competition is something that we see and experience in Puerto Rico every day
and this book gave us the opportunity to understand that this is something that
comes from way back in our history. Therefore I think this balance is what makes
the Puerto Ricans so unique from other cultures: respectful, kind, friendly, professionals,
and intelligent people.