Monday, April 7, 2014

Panel: "Mini-sagas"

          I had the opportunity to see the Mini-saga panel on the student conference of the English department. It was such a really amazing, funny and also enriching experience. Their task was to prepare a short anecdote, problem or experience and transmitted to the audience in a unique way. The students that were participating as panelist were Kathyria Sánchez, Paula Mysonet, Ashley Dalmau, Maricel Vargas, Manueli Cabrera and Brian Aldiss. I found so amazing how they all find inspirations in daily situations, problems or funny things. The topics presented in the panel were themes very strong and sentimental. For example one of the students delighted us with a personal situation of her mother. Other student told us about the difficulties that woman have to face when it comes to find the perfect match. It was one of my favorite performance and mini saga; therefore I will copy it here:

By. Ashley Dalmau

Some are intelligent, some are dumb.
Some have manners, others don’t.
Some are loving, others rude.
Some are gentle, others sour.
Some are handsome, tall, strong, energetic…. Others careless,
Small, fat, lazy.
Some love the family, others love their PlayStation.
Challenge evaluation…
The cruel reality of finding a husband.

           One of the things that I think was the most difficult task was to resume the problem or theme in those short lines.  Nevertheless one of the students presents a mini-saga really interesting about the importance of saving lives. She presented really well the compromise that our present and future generations have with the nature and ecosystems. I think that the real meaning of her mini saga was to inspire people to do their best and always help others. The most amazing thing about this panel is that the mini-saga groups were students of pre-basic English and they realized an excellent job. I think that everyone have the capacity to do a well job like they did, the only thing that you need to do is practice and have determination. Activities like this are the one that encourage the students to do it better and compite for the excellence. 


  1. I liked too the mini saga of Expectations by Ashley Dalmau. It was my favorite too. I also think that mini saga is a difficult task and has a very hard creative process. This panel was one of my favorites too and they did a amazing job. You have summarized very well the conference. Great reflection!

  2. I can't assist to this panel but every person that talk about the mini sagas panel tell me that enjoyed too much. I liked a lot the Expectations mini saga,thank you for make the mini saga part of your blog.

  3. Good job in describing the panel. I also loved the mini-saga about Expectations. I also spoke about in my blog. Overall, great reflection.

  4. I couldn't assist to this panel, but about what you had wrote I could say that it sound very interesting and particular. However, I like the mini sag you copy on your reflection. However, I think the same as you when you said that everyone has the ability and capacity to do a well job like those students did. Great Job!
